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Začetni kalup za ledene kocke

Before you fire up the grill and start cooking some delicious food, you need to make sure you have one crucial thing: Silikonski pladenj za ledene kocke the best ice cube mold — the Initial Ice Cube Mold from Aquarpio. This specialty dirt keeps your drinks cool and delicious as you have fun with friends and family outdoors.

Create Perfectly-Sized Ice Cubes for Your Drinks

 It’s as simple as that! Once frozen solid after a few hours, these ice cubes can easily be popped out and used in your favorite Silikonski kalup za milo beverages — whether you want lemonade, iced tea, or soda. Say goodbye to struggling to get ice cubes from a hard tray!

Why choose Aquarpio Initial ice cube mold?

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Priti v stik

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